Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Not sold in stores!
For our anniversary, we got a Wii. Okay, strange gift but it was a lot of money so why not? Kane usually is fussy during the evenings, and Matt and I really wanted to play so I strapped Kane on... and after about 10 minutes he fell asleep. We bowled, golfed, and played tennis. Surprisingly enough it was the tennis that put him to sleep.

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Listen to me talk
Don't make fun of me, becuase I sound like an idiot. I guess that's what happens when you spend 7+ hours a day talking to a 2 month old.
For those of you that have been following, Meryl and Michael had a little girl Farrah on Tuesday night. She was 7lbs. 13 or 14 oz (can't remember exactly) and 18inches long. Kane and I did lunch with them on Monday and Meryl was having contractions then, so she went into her doctor and she was dialted to a 3. She went back home. Her water ended up breaking early Tuesday morning. They went to the hospital and were there all day. Farrah was born shortly after 9pm. Her parents made it from New York about an 1 1/2 before she was born. Apparently she was waiting for Grandma and Grandpa to arrive.
Kane had his 2 month check up today. Poor little guy had to also get shots. I can't say I've ever seen him turn that shade of red before. He survived and got 3 cute little bandaids.
Weight - 12 lbs
Height - 23"
Head - 16"

He's definitly growing. He's in 0-3 onesies, but still newborn pants. His torso is really long. Hopefully the rest of him will catch up. As for sleeping through the night, the last two nights have been good and bad all at the same time. Kane's gone to bed around 9pm both nights. Tuesday he woke up at 3am and then went back to sleep until around 6:30 and Wednesday night he went to bed around 9 again and didn't wake up until 4:30. Sounds great, but then he decided to stay awake for about 1 1/2 hours. We'll need to work on that, but at least we're making some progress (I hope).
Kane had his 2 month check up today. Poor little guy had to also get shots. I can't say I've ever seen him turn that shade of red before. He survived and got 3 cute little bandaids.
Weight - 12 lbs
Height - 23"
Head - 16"
He's definitly growing. He's in 0-3 onesies, but still newborn pants. His torso is really long. Hopefully the rest of him will catch up. As for sleeping through the night, the last two nights have been good and bad all at the same time. Kane's gone to bed around 9pm both nights. Tuesday he woke up at 3am and then went back to sleep until around 6:30 and Wednesday night he went to bed around 9 again and didn't wake up until 4:30. Sounds great, but then he decided to stay awake for about 1 1/2 hours. We'll need to work on that, but at least we're making some progress (I hope).
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
I have been doing a horrible job of keeping up on this. Maybe it's the fact that my little cutie still gets up about 3 times a night and thinks its the morning at 5:30. Aside from that I really can't complain. Although I tupe much faster with 2 hands as opposed to 1.
Being the crazy person that I am, I decided to use cloth diapers and no, these aren't the cloth diapers of years past. Now they have snaps and look like regular diapers. For the past 2 weeks we have been using them. I waited until he was out of the newborns, but we had enough from gifts that people had gotten us. I have been very happy with them. We had more accidents in disposables than we have in cloth. I have to do 1 load of laundry every other day, but that's not a big deal. I feel they are much healthier for his skin than disposables. There is a store in town (thanks to Meryl) I was able to go to and can get plent of advice and information. 

Don't I look handsome in my shades. These actually belonged to kane's Aunt Megan, who would be 23 today. On a positive note, my cousin Angela just had a baby girl. 8lbs 11oz. She finally got her little girl who will have 3 older brothers to protect her. Poor thing. I feel sorry for anyone who tries to date her.
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