Sunday, November 29, 2009

First Thanksgiving

Grandma's Helper

Kane was helping my mother and I get ready for the Schroen Thanksgiving. We had the garbage can sitting out. What were we thinking?!?

Friday, November 20, 2009

8 months!

Here we are 8 months later. As of last week, Kane weighed 17lbs 10oz. He wears 6-9 month clothing. He's pretty average size wise. He now has 2 teeth and still lots of hair!!! I think his eyes are going to stay a dark blue color.

Eating habits: loves to eat. He kicks his little feet while he's eating. He loves it more when he can feed himself. He loved the green beans we had the other night. He's a big fan of steamed carrots, beets, broccoli, apples, and avocados. Although he's still working on the whole chewing business. He likes to choke a lot.

Sleeping habits: uhm.... still hit or miss. When I was gone last weekend, he slept through the night every night. when I came back, he woke up at least 2 or 3 times and was restless for about and 1 1/2 on Sunday night. The later part of the week, he has been sleeping until about 4:30 and then waking up to eat. This morning he went back to sleep until 6.

Favorite things to do: pull himself up on the coffee table, cabinets, toilet, bath tub (really likes that), walker, my pants (not so fun when they're pajama pants; they tend to fall down then), dad's leg hair, etc. . . He loves to play with this little drum and chew on the beads. Just waiting for him to eat one. He also likes to ride around on his new truck. He loves to play with the drum sticks from RockBand.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy Boy

After not feeling well for about 3 days, Kane has certainly perked up.

How long has it been. . .

That is broccoli hanging out his nose, not a booger.
Look at my teeth.

So much has happened since the last post. Well, maybe not. Kane now has 2 teeth, I went to Wisconsin to a conference and Kane managed to get a double ear infection while I was gone. Matt got to play Mr. Mom the whole time I was gone. It never fails that the whole time I was gone Kane slept through the night, but when I returned he has managed to not sleep through the night. He was even up for about an hour and a half last night. He wasn't wide awake, but he was not sleeping either.

Monday, November 2, 2009


New toy!

Kane has constantly been pulling himself up, so we figured it was time for a new toy. He's sure enjoyed it.

Thanks Grandma

Thanks to Grandma Kristi, Kane now has some fun biter biscuits. For those of you that have no clue, when he chews on them they turn into a paste pretty much and get everywhere. They are definitely something that Kane will only get right before bath time.