I have been doing a horrible job of keeping up on this. Maybe it's the fact that my little cutie still gets up about 3 times a night and thinks its the morning at 5:30. Aside from that I really can't complain. Although I tupe much faster with 2 hands as opposed to 1.
Being the crazy person that I am, I decided to use cloth diapers and no, these aren't the cloth diapers of years past. Now they have snaps and look like regular diapers. For the past 2 weeks we have been using them. I waited until he was out of the newborns, but we had enough from gifts that people had gotten us. I have been very happy with them. We had more accidents in disposables than we have in cloth. I have to do 1 load of laundry every other day, but that's not a big deal. I feel they are much healthier for his skin than disposables. There is a store in town (thanks to Meryl) I was able to go to and can get plent of advice and information.
Don't I look handsome in my shades. These actually belonged to kane's Aunt Megan, who would be 23 today. On a positive note, my cousin Angela just had a baby girl. 8lbs 11oz. She finally got her little girl who will have 3 older brothers to protect her. Poor thing. I feel sorry for anyone who tries to date her.
I am still pre washing!!!!! How are those prefolds treating you?
Kane is adorable in both the lovely shades AND the adorable cloth diaper :)
Enjoy being lazy although I don't think that word and Mom go hand and hand. Moms are always busy working and doing something. Hopefully you are napping when he is napping. I love the shades. How cute!!
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