Monday, May 24, 2010

Clean House = Happy Mommy!

Sunday I was in a terrible mood all day. After I got groceries I finally decided enough was enough and this pigsty of a house needed to be picked up. When Kane finally went down for his nap, Matt got to help. Why is it that life is so much better with a clean house? We'll see how long it lasts. Probably not long though, with Kane playing his favorite game of throw everything on the floor.

Kane finally decided that he would rather walk than crawl. All weekend he has been walking around the house.

We also went to Farrah's birthday party over the weekend, but Mom was so out of it she didn't take any pictures. We had fun playing with Farrah and Grayson. Kane thought the cake was delicious, but I think Farrah enjoyed hers a lot more.

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