Wednesday, February 18, 2009

35 Weeks

Total weight gain: 28lbs.
Heartrate: 150 bmp
Blood pressure: 110/ 70
Tummy measurement: a little under 35 cm
Movement: Lots of hiccups and wiggling. My favorite is when he tries to start out his arms (I think). I love it when my stomach stretches both to the left and right at the same time. When you first feel the motion, it's almost like being on a roller coaster (yes, I have been on one) but that feeling doesn't last for very long. It soon turns into a non pleasant feeling. Not really painful, but not fun either. I also like when he kicks me in the pelvis. He's slowly starting to move down. I can't say he's ever woken me up at night because of his moving, but occasionally when I get up to use the washroom, I might have a difficult time falling back asleep because of hiccups. On occasion he gets a bit too far up under my ribs, which is not comfortable at all. So I try and push him back down or stretch up and hope that he moves.
Room: is ready! Now all we have to do it move...... At least we have baby stuff now.
Happiness scale: Well . . . it really depends on how my day is going. I was extremely tired this morning. I should have gone to bed earlier last night. I can feel that he is starting to move down more. Walking today has not been so much fun. I really try not to waddle, but it's starting to get difficult. Maybe my day would have been better, if it had not been for my students at school. Who knows? At least we only have one more day with students this week. It's been difficult motivating myself at school, because I only have a few weeks left.

1 comment:

The Developing Melodies Family said...

I am glad that you like the movement (as I am sure you read that I could do without). You are so freakin cute! I do hope we can try and swing something together when you are in town next.

Keep smiling :) Your gorgeous!