On Wednesday we came up with the idea of making Kane Super Mario. I had a little left over blue fleece. It worked out pretty well. I just wish I would have gotten around to drawing on the mustache. Oh well. Either way it was warm and comfortable.
Monday, November 1, 2010
It's Mario!
On Wednesday we came up with the idea of making Kane Super Mario. I had a little left over blue fleece. It worked out pretty well. I just wish I would have gotten around to drawing on the mustache. Oh well. Either way it was warm and comfortable.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Jumping Kane
I guess Kane enjoys this so much because he can actually get some "air." He still hasn't quite mastered the skill of jumping. His idea of jumping means you climb up on something and then walk off the edge.
Sorry that I was an idiot and turned the camera the wrong way, but this is really funny.
Sorry that I was an idiot and turned the camera the wrong way, but this is really funny.
Crazy Cousins
We have welcomed two new baby boys into our family this week. Jacob Matthew Rambo was born on Sunday evening weighing in at 7lbs 5oz and 19 1/2 inches (somewhere around there, it's all starting to run together). Mom, Dad and Baby are all doing well. Brody Alan Welborn joined us this morning sometime shortly before 6am. Brody weighed in at 7lbs. 10oz. and was 20 inches. Mom, Dad, Brody and Big Sister Ashlyn are all doing well. We had a lot of visiting to do today. We were saying prayers around 4a.m. this morning because things were not going so well with Brody and they were very close to having to do a C-section. Thank God he came out on his own.
This is how Ashlyn and Kane decided to entertain one another at the hospital. Kane looks innocent in this shot. You should have seen them about 5 minutes earlier. At least they weren't having screaming contests like the did when Ashlyn spent the night the other weekend.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
18 months
Kane has his 18 month check up a little over a week ago. My has that experience changed. First thing we do when we get back to the room is get undressed, so that Kane can be weighed and measured. He started freaking out the moment I started to strip him. By the time we got to seeing how tall he is, he was whining and not being very cooperative. The stats that we got got were:
Height = 32" (40%)
Weight = 22lbs 6oz (10%)
Head = 19" (60%)
Kane continues to be consistently tall, skinny, and has a big head. Although not as much as before. He has started to talk a bit more. He consistently will say "Mom, Dad, Ball, Hello, More, All Gone, Nose (sounds more like no) and Shoe (which is just a sh sound)." He can be prompted to say a few other words like Ashlyn.
His favorite things to do now include playing in the cozy coupe, driving around cars and tractors, putting money into a bank (which he is doing as we speak although he just found a sand rake and so now all the coins are all over the floor). He keep us on our toes.
Height = 32" (40%)
Weight = 22lbs 6oz (10%)
Head = 19" (60%)
Kane continues to be consistently tall, skinny, and has a big head. Although not as much as before. He has started to talk a bit more. He consistently will say "Mom, Dad, Ball, Hello, More, All Gone, Nose (sounds more like no) and Shoe (which is just a sh sound)." He can be prompted to say a few other words like Ashlyn.
His favorite things to do now include playing in the cozy coupe, driving around cars and tractors, putting money into a bank (which he is doing as we speak although he just found a sand rake and so now all the coins are all over the floor). He keep us on our toes.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Fun videos.
Kane had the most fun in Chicago chasing the pigeons. His latest favorite thing to do is hide in things.
Since my tech guy has put in a new filter at school I can't access my blog at work. I really don't make much time at home to work on it. Here are some random shots form the past month or so.
If you look closely in the Cozy Coupe photo, you'll notice that Kane has taken the seat of his toilet and put it on the seat in his car. Who knows???
The wet picture of Kane was when Mom was out washing windows and there was a big bucket of soapy water, which Kane decided to stick his head into. I couldn't get the camera fast enough when he still had suds on his face.
Grandpa Gordon and I went up to Chicago to go on a bike ride. For the most part Kane thought it was fun, except for when his helmet fell over his face. We rode over to China Town from Navy Pier. Grandma got some nun chucks for Kane, which you can now tell him to go and hit Mom or Dad. He wasn't too impressed with the Chinese food, but when we went to the Billy Goat on lower Wacker, he really liked the cheeseburger.
Monday, August 30, 2010
More random summer shots
Kane loves his yogurt. He also loves to get it all over everything. You would think as he aged, his eating skills would improve, but such is not the case.
Grandma Aupperle got us tickets to see a ball game at the Corn Crib. Kane wanted to run around more so than watch the game, but I wasn't complaining.
We hung out with Ms. Ashlyn when her Mom and Dad were on vacation. Kane attempts to say her name, but only gets out the "Ash" part. He can at least point to her picture.
We're here.
We went to the State Fair with Grandpa Gordon for the second year in a row. I don't really know what Kane enjoyed the most. Maybe the corn dog. He really liked the FFA petting zoo, but was too much of a wimp to pet anything. I guess out of everything he enjoyed all the animals the best. I personally enjoyed the Illinois Wine Tasting Tent.
The year has started off really well. It's kind of like I never left, except all the kids are getting bigger.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
So all this week I have been taking a class up in Chicago, leaving the boys at home. From what I hear Kane is alive and well, so there's nothing to worry about. Matt is probably going crazy by now. I would think that Kane is a lot more tired at night because he's been going to the sitters. So I should be working on my homework and what am I doing instead? Procrastinating! I've been reading different birthing stories and I've decided that I need to share mine. So, here it goes.
It was a Wednesday, not my favorite day of the school week, but not a bad one either. I remember being in my morning class teaching 6th graders. I just remember having some really strong contractions. Strong enough where I had to sit down. I didn't really think that much of it because they went away. I kept working and just felt a little strange all day. Starting around 5pm that night, I was having contractions about every 5- 6 minutes. They weren't horrible and weren't really getting all that closer together. Well, they kept going. They still weren't really getting any more closer and intense. We watched tv and passed the time. Around bed time they still were about the same as they were before. So I told Matt to go to bed and I was going to sleep (haha) on the couch. I passed the night away attempting to sleep and giving up and turning on the tv and try ing to sleep some more. I think around 3 or 4 am we finally decided to go to the hospital. We go to the ER and walk up to the maternity ward. They check me and I'm only a 1. Great.
I didn't want to be induced, so we decided to go home. Matt needed to go into work and just take care of a few things before he would be gone for a few days. I went to Bob & Kristi's because it was only a 15 minute drive into town as opposed to 25 from our house. I stayed there over the morning and got into their giant bathtub. Don't forget that my contractions have continued to be 5-6 minutes apart this entire time. I want to say around 1pm we decided to go into my doctors office to get check and see if I had dilated any more. The answer was not really. I was not at a 3. We decided just to stay because eventually this baby was going to come out.
We hung out in the hospital room and my mom brought Matt Arby's, while I was completely annoyed by the stupid heart rate monitor that was digging into my stomach. It was the most uncomfortable thing ever. It was bothering me more than my contractions. In retrospect, I wish I would have been walking around a lot more. At this point I was really tired because I did not sleep the night before. I really think that would have helped my labor progress more quickly. Anyway, my doctor had been in and out of the room around 8pm she was ready to go. At that time I think I was dilated to a 5 or so. I was still dead set on not having any drugs. She broke my water and that really sped things up. In 2 hours I went to a 10 and finally felt the urge to push. The only problem was that Kane was not facing the right way. Mid contraction, Dr. Weaver flipped him the proper way. I think 3 or 4 pushed and about 10 minutes later Kane was finally here. Matt was quite the trooper through the entire experience. I think he ended up being more involved than he had intended. He lived to tell the story.
I was dead set on not having drugs, and even after Kane was born the nurses kept trying to get me to take tylenol or something. I just don't get it. My body felt like someone had hit me with a truck the next day, but it wasn't unmanageable. It is hard to describe how tiring and physically exhausting the birth process is. Maybe I just have a higher pain tolerance that most or maybe I'm just that stubborn. If anything I was more exhausted than anything. Hopefully next time the process will be a little faster.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Finally! I found the cord.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
New post!
So, I really don't accomplish much during the day when I'm home now. Kane likes to be outside. We walk, go to the park, sit on the lawn mower, play in the car (thanks Mike). Get into everything that we're not supposed to be in. I can't believe June is almost over :( The summer goes too quickly. I would like to post some photos, but can't find my cord to connect to the computer. I've looked 3 times. Maybe someday.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Clean House = Happy Mommy!
Sunday I was in a terrible mood all day. After I got groceries I finally decided enough was enough and this pigsty of a house needed to be picked up. When Kane finally went down for his nap, Matt got to help. Why is it that life is so much better with a clean house? We'll see how long it lasts. Probably not long though, with Kane playing his favorite game of throw everything on the floor.
Kane finally decided that he would rather walk than crawl. All weekend he has been walking around the house.
We also went to Farrah's birthday party over the weekend, but Mom was so out of it she didn't take any pictures. We had fun playing with Farrah and Grayson. Kane thought the cake was delicious, but I think Farrah enjoyed hers a lot more.
Kane finally decided that he would rather walk than crawl. All weekend he has been walking around the house.
We also went to Farrah's birthday party over the weekend, but Mom was so out of it she didn't take any pictures. We had fun playing with Farrah and Grayson. Kane thought the cake was delicious, but I think Farrah enjoyed hers a lot more.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Messy baby
Kane decided to clean out the cupboard, which is something he usually does, but today I had the cupboard turned all the way around. There was an open bag of barely sitting there, which Kane found and then proceeded to spill all over the floor. When he did this, I was in the middle of making dinner and there wasn't any time to pick it up before he started running his hands over it and making an even bigger mess. The picture was taken after I picked up the cinnamon sticks and numerous spices. At least he's cute!
Bad Monkey
Kane got this crazy monkey from Great Grandma Jane. He used to be terrified of it, but now he brings it over to me to turn it on. You'll understand why we keep it off most of the time.
Who's pacy? On Mother's Day Ashlyn decided it was her turn to get in the jumperoo. While she was in there, Kane came up and they started playing with each others' pacifiers.
Who's pacy? On Mother's Day Ashlyn decided it was her turn to get in the jumperoo. While she was in there, Kane came up and they started playing with each others' pacifiers.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Yummy, yummy, in my tummy!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Aren't you a little big?
Kane has had a fascination with his bouncy seat lately. It's really weird because he never really liked it that much when he was younger. The reason he is not wearing pants is because he just got back from the sitters and he had gotten into a water toy outside. His pants and shoes were a bit soggy.
This is how we get out of our seat.
This is how we get out of our seat.
Monday, April 26, 2010
One heck of a week. . .
Our week started out with Kane getting a cold. Our once sleeping very well at night son, turned into a not so good sleeper at night. He started out getting a cold last Sunday and over the course of the week, it got worse. By Wednesday, he had a fever. Matt took him to the doctor and he had the beginning of a double ear infection. We ended up staying home on Thursday: Me in the morning, Matt in the afternoon. Friday night Kane woke up 5 times. We were definitely ready for a break on Saturday.
Saturday Matt and I went up to Chicago for my friend Jamie and Chris's wedding. We had the pleasure of staying with Holly. The wedding was at the Metropolitan Club on the 67th floor of the Willis (A.K.A Sears) Tower. The only downside was that it was so foggy you could only get glimpses of the surrounding buildings. None the less it was still a wonderful event with great company.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Dad's New Toy
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Better late than never!
So not a whole lot has happened since my last post. Although my whole reason for not posting is because I really don't get a lot of internet time when I'm home (Spring Break) especially when the boy is awake and because I had to go to school two days for Solo & ensemble. My reason for being so lazy last week was because I finally gave in and started reading the Twilight Series and I haven't been able to put it down. That works out well: Matt can play his game and I can read my book. I finished the first 3 books last week and am taking my time with the 4th, being that it's the last in the series :(. So since my last post, Kane has started sleeping through the night from about 7:30 - 6:30. No complaints here. He had a very successful birthday party, which he slept through the first hour of and celebrated Easter. We also went to the Children's museum with Kim, Noah and Kenny. For some reason we never got a group shot. Probably because the kids were too busy checking everything out.
I don't exactly remember his stats from his appointment, but his height was in the 50th %, his weight was in the 25% and his head was in the 80%. No wonder he still falls over. His little body can't adequately support his big melon.
Favorite activities: throwing balls (especially in church keeping Darna and Janet on their toes in the pew ahead of us). Playing with his basketball hoop and getting into the lazy susan cabinet in the kitchen. Don't forget riding the tractor that he got for his birthday!
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